

Our Constitution may be found HERE

Our By Laws may be found HERE

Our Risk Management Plan may be found HERE

Reimbursement Claim Form – Authorised expenditure incurred on behalf of the Club will be reimbursed on submission of a completed Reimbursement Claim Form and receipt.

Canoe Evacuation Plan  – In the event of Illness or injury while on the water. Canoe Evacuation Plan

Borrow Equipment from Panamuna OCC – Please submit your requests to the club committee by completing and submitting this Request to Borrow Equipment form.

Medical Declaration Form – Declaration of current medical conditions and medications. Medical Declaration Form

Parental Permission Form – Junior members over 14 years of age wishing to compete in senior events. Parental Permission Form

OC1, OC2 and Other Craft Storage – Request to store personal craft under shelter at the swamp Canoe Storage Form


“Of humankind’s inventiveness in the challenge to travel near or far, the canoe was, to the cultures of Oceania, what the wheel was to western culture. As a mode of transportation its impact and significance was on the grandest of scales.” Steve West – Kanu Culture

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