Q: Can I just turn up.
We welcome new paddlers, however in the interests of safety and to avoid possible disappointment as the result of attending an inappropriate, advanced training session, we recommend you contact us first, to arrange a suitable time for introduction.
Q: Will I need to provide my own Paddle?
Initially we will provide you with a paddle, however we recommend you purchase your own, under the advice of our club coach just as soon as you decide to continue. You will need to budget between $200 – $300.
Q: What to wear?
Avoid baggy clothing. Boardshorts or neoprene/lycra style shorts and lycra/microfibre lightweight rash shirt. Peaked cap. Gloves optional. Take adequate precaution against UV exposure. In addition bring a water bottle of at least 750ml capacity, which can be worn or attached to the canoe or wear an appropriate hydration system. No footwear is permitted in the canoe, except for neoprene style reef walkers.
Q: Can anyone do this?
Just about. Outrigging is suitable for just about any age. As with any water activity participants are required to be competent swimmers and have a reasonable level of fitness. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience please ensure you are familiar with and meet our basic Safety requirements.
Q: What does it cost?
The outrigger season commences in November. Membership includes both a registration and insurance component. For new members we provide the chance to paddle several times before becoming a member. For further details please refer to the Membership Page.
You will be required to purchase a paddle ($200-$300), a club shirt ($30 -$50) and a hydration system ($20 – $100).
Q: How do I get the most out of outrigging?
In an OC6 everybody is joined at the hip, outrigging is all about working as a team. Maximum reward in both the social and competitive aspects of the sport come from team work. This is required both in the canoe and in all aspects of the club. A true team member takes an active role within the club assisting with canoe loading/unloading, rigging/derigging, providing support at regattas and all club events. Actively supporting each other; not leaving it to somebody else or waiting to be asked; fosters strong long term bonds. When the swell is up and you are 20 km from home everybody depends on each other.
Q: What about cross training?
Training outside of the canoe builds strength and flexibility that can then be transferred back into the canoe during races. Sports such as swimming, boxing, gym, kayak/ski paddling, running are excellent forms of cross training.
Q: Does outrigging abide by the rules of the Australian Sports Drug Agency?
Yes, the Australian Ourigger Canoe Racing Association – AOCRA which is the governing body under which all competition takes place adheres to the rules of the Australian Sports Drug Agency with regards to banned substances in sport. Information regarding medication/drugs in sport is availble from the AOCRA or the ASDA Hotline on 1800 020 506.
Q: What competition divisions exist?
Divisions are set by the Australian Ourigger Canoe Racing Association – AOCRA. They include Male, Female and Mixed (3 males, 3 females) divisions broken into age groups. Many regattas also include a Novice division for new paddlers.
Junior various age groups 8 to 19 years.
21 Years adult division for 21 years and under.
Open any adult age.
Master Women female 40 years and up.
Senior Master Women female 50 years and up.
Golden Master Women female 60 years and up.
Platinum Women female 70 years .
Master Men male 40 years and up.
Senior Master Men male 50 years and up.
Golden Master Men male 60 years and up.
Platinum Men 70 years .
Novice fist season of paddling. A team in a Novice Division can include one experienced paddler, or two experienced paddlers as long as one of them is steerer.
A male crew can have a female steerer.
Ages are based on the calender year 1st January to 31st December for the year the season ends (ie the main calendar year for the season).
Q: What race formats exist?
Races generally can be Sprints up to 1000m, Short Course ~8 kms, Marathon ~16 kms, or Change Over ~42 kms. The Change Over format involves teams of up to 9 (Men) or up to 10 (Women and Mixed) paddlers jumping in and out of the canoe throughout the race. A Mixed crew in a Change Over may include a maximum of 5 or sometimes (depending on the regatta ) 4 males and requires a minimum of 3 females in the canoe at all times.
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