

Panamuna endorses the safe practice of outrigger canoeing, both on and off water. Minimum requirements for participation include a swimming proficiency test over 100m in open water and treading water for five minutes. The participant should be in good health and of at least a moderate level of fitness. Any pre-existing medical conditions should be notified to the coach, club and our governing body AOCRA in the interests of your own well being. This should not be treated lightly, people die in outrigging every season, build your fitness level over time and if in need ask for help.

On The Water Safety

Make sure you are well hydrated. Have a water bottle (with a hook) or hydration system for both training and regattas.

Use sun protection, caps and sunscreen.

Before you get in the canoe check the rigging and make sure it has 2 bailers (this is everybody’s responsibility).

The steerer is in control of the canoe. Listen and respond to their directions.

Respect the ocean, consider the conditions, know your limits.

Make sure your canoe (and all in it) are ready and able to handle the conditions.

Everyone must know what to do in the event of a huli / capsize.

If you will be paddling in the dark make sure the canoe has a navigation light.

“Of humankind’s inventiveness in the challenge to travel near or far, the canoe was, to the cultures of Oceania, what the wheel was to western culture. As a mode of transportation its impact and significance was on the grandest of scales.” Steve West – Kanu Culture

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